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My Journey of Motherhood

In all the years of growing up healthy I never questioned the reasons why my family was different. With each pregnancy, birth and growth of my children I have taken more responsibility and involvment in our health. I have expanded my version of health to include more then just the food we eat and how we move our bodies. The mental and physcial stress that comes with motherhood is often overlooked. Many women suffer alone. I want to see us come together to find support for our unique situations. 

The Lost Art of Cooking

5 tips for getting back in the kitchen

1. Keep it simple.

It doesn't have to be elaborate or over the top. You don't have to have a lot of recipes and ingredients for it taste good. Start small, cook one meal a week to begin and slowly more in. You can also pick your favorite meals, you will be more likely to cook and most of the time when you are cooking at home you will have more nutrition with less junk.

2. Cook once eat twice.

If you are already putting in the time, effort and energy to cook then make it count! We live in a culture that is always on the go so it is helpful to have things ready when we are short on time! If you work outside the home it is a great way to save money by brining leftovers for lunch.

3. Everyone eats the same thing.

Don't cook a separate meal for each person. Cooking a different meal for each person can be exhausting. I know it is hard to do with kids, but once they learn that you are serious they will be more likely to try new foods. If they don't eat anything that is ok too, I know it sounds harsh, but missing one meal will not cause any harm.

4. Do it with others!

You are not a chef, waitress, or dishwasher. Don't do it alone. Kids can get out ingredients, open packages, cut stuff up, find dirty dishes to put in the sink, in load the dishwasher, wipe counters, set the table or put things away! Another fun activity is to have a food prep day with friends! Shop, prep and even cook a few meals together to eat for the week or save for later.

5. Stock the fridge first.

If the convenience foods are around you will always pick them first. Stock your fridge, and pantry with real fresh foods. If you eliminate the option for processed foods you will be forced to cook. In doing so you will find that you reconnected with your creativity!

And a few other freebies!

1. Make eating out a family experience. Let this be save for special occassions and time spent together.

2. Invest in quality tupperware! If you are doing a lot of cooking it is helpful to have somewhere to put the extra food.

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